These two things are complicatedly entangled. I wish this could have been well-structured situation like DNA.
To be creative, it is like a double-edged sword: pressure is necessary yet disturbing.
The reason is that occasionally we are pushed and pressured to be innovative, while our creativity is limited by society. For example, in my case, when I quit my job, I was released from boring mundane tasks as well as being relieved from stress; on the other hand, I procrastinated and did not make anything out of the situation. Where pressure is coming from is really important, I think, since the creative power stimulating us is brought by our inner voice. The force of other people’s thoughts usually binds our own intuition.
We live in the dichotomy. Sometimes we cannot juggle two sides precisely as a clown does. But we have to balance the fragile scale upon which pressure and creativity sits.