I will write down my essay in English from now. This is because I think that it is better for me to express my precise feelings in some ways.

In writing, it is necessary to express our subtle feelings and taste more than speaking, since we cannot use other ways such as facial expression and gesture.

Lately, however, that kind of expression has gone gradually. Thanks to the invention of the internet, it became more convenient. But this has deprived us of our creativity. Convenience always opposes to creativity.

One of the examples is “Metaphor.”

It is the comparison between one thing and another. It looks very simple, but embraces a wider variety of meanings. Firstly, it finds the common in abstract phase and then replaces the concrete fact to the other one, which gives us the time to imagine and creativity. My sentences are so abstract and monotonous like solid stone at the bottom of deep sea. Hence, I aim to add more metaphors to make it more creative and imaginative.

Writing more imaginative, creative English is my goal in next year.

In a cafe in the nearest station on Sunday morning, listening to Queen.


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